Wednesday, December 23, 2009

CLICK for free booklet from Rob Poulos's Fast Fit tip

Subject: this 1 'weird' trick finally melts the fat off?


If you're like most of us, you've probably had trouble
keeping the weight off lately... or from piling on as you've
gotten older...

Could be that your excess 'baggage' is all over, or maybe
just in certain areas like your belly - or maybe just your
hips or thighs...

And like anything else you've been struggling with, you
might suspect that there is something out there that could
help that you just don't know about yet...

After all, you know that diets just don't work-

-and all that treadmill exercise is way too boring and takes
too much time-

-and any weight you do lose ends up right back on your body
once you're forced to stop the crazy dieting and exercise

Am I right? I thought so...

...then I know you're going to be happy to hear more about
this UNIQUE NEWS story I just finished reading:

The facts are, a formerly overweight Michigan couple LOST
OVER 101 POUNDS of fat in just a few months by stumbling on
this 1 weird trick that burns fat for 3 FULL DAYS from just
15 minutes...

...yeah, that's what I thought too, it DOES sound amazing!
You can even see their before and after pics on their website
right here:

But here are the other important facts from this unusual
story you'll want to know about first:

1. They did it by enjoying delicious foods several times a
day, EVERY DAY, never hungry a minute...

2. They DID NOT do one minute of 'cardio' exercise, but
still lowered their resting heart rate and developed the
near-boundless energy of a spry teenager...

3. In addition to the weight loss, he lost nearly 10 INCHES
OF BELLY FAT, and she dropped 8 DRESS SIZES, going from a 12
to a 4...

4. They did this all while doing almost the EXACT OPPOSITE
of what most fitness experts have been teaching us for

I don't have time to repost the full story in this
newsletter, but you're probably already wondering about all
the other details...don't worry-

-you're going to learn everything you need to know
(including the inspiring before and after pics) at Rob and
Kalen's website, right here:

0. Home Page

1. Order Page

2. Success Stories (Testimonials) Page

3. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Page

4. Free Booklet/Body Fat Analysis/Newsletter Page

5. Page 1 (Why Am I Fat?)

6. Page 2 (Lose 26 Pounds Of Fat In 7 Weeks)

7. Page 3 (15 Minute Miracle Burns Fat For 3 Days)

8. Page 4 (10,000 Customers Can't Be Wrong)

9. Page 5 (Turn On Your Fat Burning Furnace)

10. The Mass Confusion That Dominates In Fat Loss & Fitness Today

11. Are You Caught Up In A Cycle Of Fat Loss & Fitness Confusion?

12. How To Triple Your Fat Burning Workout Results

13. The Best Way To Fire Up Your Metabolism, Burn Fat Fast & Developing Lasting Health

14. 3 Vital Principles You Must Know To Burn Fat Faster

15. Is Your Fat Burning Exercise Routine Keeping You Fat And Unhealthy?

16. Get A Great Fat Burning Workout Wherever You Are, Anytime

17. Can Stepping On A Treadmill Can Lead To Sickness, Injury Or Fat Burning Disaster?

18. Two Magical Substances That Allow You To Burn Fat Faster & Create Lasting Health
19. A Simple Change In Mindset Will Burn More Fat Fast

20. How To Properly Judge Your Fat Loss Progress

21. Rest, Sleep, And Burn More Fat Fast

22. Why You Should “Just Say No” To Diets To Burn Fat (Part 1)

23. Why You Should “Just Say No” To Diets To Burn Fat (Part 2)

24. Are You Destined For 8 Years Of Poor Health & Misery?

Q: Rob, thanks for agreeing to let me interview you today. For
those out there who don’t know much about you, can you give us a
little background and how you were able to make such an amazing
transformation in such little time?

RP: Sure, and thanks for having me. You know, I first got
interested in this whole fat burning thing mainly to meet girls
when I was younger and I’m not ashamed to admit it! But
seriously, I kind of struggled with my weight most of my life.
When I was in my early 20s, I got interested in bodybuilding
(mostly through watching too many Arnold Schwarzenegger movies I
guess!). But I saw it as a way to get the kind of lean muscular
body I wanted. Not the blown up steroid bodybuilder look, more
like the look the bodybuilders of the 50’s &60’s had, you know,
the kind that attracts the opposite sex and makes your friends
jealous! But I realized real fast that achieving these goals
doesn’t happen overnight.

I also found out, after years and years of trial and error, that
90% of the fat loss or muscle building programs and products
were just plain garbage. They were either created to simply
make a quick buck, or would only work on people who were already
born with great lean muscular genetics. You know the type. I
had one buddy who would work out lazily, with very little
intensity, and pretty much eat pizza after pizza and still look
dynamite when he was at the beach.

I also learned that most of the programs out there either
required you to spend 4-6 days in the gym with long cardio
workouts plus weight training workouts, restrict yourself of
carbs until you were mad at the whole world, or both!
This stuff just plain frustrated me, and so I went looking to
create a fat loss and fitness method of my own as I couldn’t
find one that allowed me to get in killer shape without having
to give up the foods I loved or most of my spare time.

And after about 10 years or so, I felt as though I had perfected
the method as once I started using all of the techniques
together, I was able to finally drop over 42 pounds of body fat
and 10 inches off my waist. I was also building slabs of lean
muscle and strength, this happened over the course of just a few
months. My wife even lost 59 pounds during this same period and
went from a size 12 to a size 4.

But what really excited me , was that we did it without cutting
carbs out of our diet and by only working out 2-3 times a week
for just 15-26 minutes per workout. And no cardio whatsoever.
We both hated long boring cardio, so we were like a couple of
kids at Christmas.

So, obviously when our friends and family saw the changes we had
made, we got a lot of mixed reactions. Some were jealous and
not supportive, if you can believe that! But most wanted to get
my secrets and kept telling me, "you have to write a book, you
have to write a book".

So that’s what I did. I put everything down to paper and even
shot some videos detailing my method so people could just copy
my plan themselves. And it’s been fantastic helping thousands
and thousands of people from all over the world with my Fat
Burning Furnace program,helping them finally lose that stubborn
body fat and develop a new level of self confidence in
everything they do. So that’s where I am today and it feels

Q: Rob, a lot of people on the cover of fitness products that
have great physiques are just born with great genetics. From
what you mentioned, this is obviously not an advantage you
had. Can you tell us how exactly you were able to overcome your
fat loss and fitness challenges?

RP: I simply wanted it badly . I hated being overweight and just
felt crummy all the time. I had low energy. I was embarrassed
to take my shirt off in the summer, you know, all the
stereotypical stuff, except it was very personal for me.

I also didn’t carry much muscle on my body genetically. I’m
rather tall (6’6") so looking muscular is even tougher for me
than someone of average height. I was over fat, yet under
muscled. Talk about the worst of both worlds. But I’m not the
kind of person that just gives up. I must have tried a hundred
different programs or diets during those 10 or so years.

The steps I took were basically trial and error,and a lot of
wasted money. But you know, it really wasn’t wasted because if
I was able to gain just one new insight or technique to add to
my method, it was worth it. Especially with results I’m able to
obtain for my readers and students now.

At some point I basically realized that exercise and nutrition
for building muscle and getting lean is a science, just like any
other science. There are things that must be included in your
regimen or else you cannot expect results. Period. The beauty
of it is, that for other people, I can show them how to get it
done like my wife and I did in just a few months and without
having super human motivation or spending even 1 year of more
trial and error.

Q: That’s Rob, you specialize in teaching people
how to burn fat from their bodies. Can you give us some
nutritional tips for burning the most amount of fat in minimum

RP: Oh yeah. There’s a lot of stuff,but perhaps the most
important tip I can give anyone trying to get and stay lean is
to look at food from a micronutrient standpoint. Most people
look at food from a macronutrient view (protein, carbs, fats).

This is fine, but the big light bulb went off for me when I
started to focus on eating most of my calories from foods that
are super loaded with nutrients. These are vegetables, fruits,
whole unrefined grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. I’m
not talking about a vegetarian or vegan diet here, but a diet
that supplies the body with the nutrients it requires to burn
fat optimally. When you give your body the required nutrients
without overloading it with nutrient poor or nutrient barren
foods, fast fat loss happens almost magically.

Q: Now I also know you're not a fan of cardio. I usually teach
cardio as a great way to burn fat. Why do your methods not
include cardio?

RP: Let me be extra clear on this one, because my stance here
confuses a lot of people. First off, I think it is a waste of
time trying to "run off" your calories to burn fat. This
attitude will just wear you out over the long haul, and simply
doesn’t work as well as controlling your calories through diet
techniques. Also, studies have shown that regular moderately
paced cardio, where you run or bike at a steady pace for 30+
minutes several times a week actually causes you to store more
fat! Here’s why this is the case.

When you’re doing this
exercise, your body is using stored fat for fuel. This may
sound good, but what this is actually doing is telling your body
that when it encounters this activity again it needs a reserve
amount of fat available to fuel the exercise session. I know it
sounds crazy, but it’s true. On top of that, most avid runners
can tell you about the injuries and nagging pains they have from
the constant repetitive pound their joints and tendons take over
the years...not something I would wish on my worst enemy!

Now, what does work for burning fat quickly is what’s known as
interval cardio. And I know you know all about this , with your
stair routines. This is where you perform a relatively short
cardio workout (usually 15-25 minutes or so) and you alternate
periods of high to low intensity during the session.

So you might spend 1 minute jogging at a light pace, and then
immediately switch to a near sprint for 1 minute straight, and
then repeat the process several times. This type of exercise
uses stored carbohydrates for fuel, not fat, so it sends a
signal to your body to replenish your depleted muscles rather
than storing a reserve amount of fat. Very different from the
standard type of cardio that I loathe!

But believe it or not, I don’t even do this type of interval
cardio in my own method. Why is that? Well, it’s because I
realized a while back that the #1 activity you can do to burn
fat is weight training or some form of resistance training.

This has to do with the fact that adding lean muscle to your
body creates a powerful fat burning furnace that will
automatically burn more calories at rest...significantly more.
What we’ve done with the type of weight training we do in Fat
Burning Furnace, though, is combine interval cardio with weight
training to create one short and simple fat burning, muscle, and
strength building work out. Many people have called it the most
efficient fat loss and fitness work out ever created.

Q: So obviously you are a big fan of weight training when it
comes to burning fat. Should people train the same as when
they're trying to gain muscle?

RP: Yeah , in my experience, they should. But the weight
training we use is not like you see most guys performing in the
gym these days. We don’t use split routines, we don’t throw the
weights around, and we don’t have ladies lifting soup cans or
using rubber bands. From my experience all of these things will
get you worse results or injured. The main goal of my Fat
Burning Furnace exercise program is to burn fat, of course, but
the underlying goal that leads to this is building lean muscle

And this scares some ladies and even some of the men who read my
book..they don’t want to get too bulky. But, as I said, this is
a near impossibility for 99% of women and even some men due to
the genetic requirements (muscle belly length, testosterone
levels, etc.) of having overly large muscles. Now, sure, you
could gain weight and look bulky by eating a ton of calories
while you’re building muscle, but you’d just be fat and
puffy like I was several years ago.

The only thing more lean muscle is going to do to a ladies body
is make it more feminine, shapely, and se.xy.

Q: That’s right,and it’s something we still need to get the word
out on to women everywhere for sure. Rob, what are some common
mistakes you see people making when trying to lose lots of fat
and get ripped?

RP: Oh man, there are so many . I mean, there are basic large
scale diet mistakes, like restricting yourself of carbohydrates
too much (which won’t work in the long run), eating too few
calories or starving yourself, eating a low fat diet and
eliminating healthy fats, and not eating enough of your calories
from nutrient rich foods.

Then there are big exercise mistakes, like spending 4-6 days a
week in the gym with hours of boring fat storing cardio and then
hours more of low to moderate intensity weight training on top
of it. People are using terrible form with their exercise,
which takes most of the stress off the muscles being worked and
cuts their effectiveness by at least two-thirds. Ladies are
afraid to work out hard in fear of getting to bulky.

I mean I could go on,but I actually have a video I put together
for my newsletters subscribers that tells you my top 7 mistakes
people make.Your readers can watch it after they subscribe at my
website if they wish.

Q: Any other fat burning tips you want to share with us?

RP: Well, I suppose the big thing lately is that everybody wants
to lose their belly fat and get ripped abs. The main problem
here is that people still think they can lose belly fat without
losing fat in any other place on their bodies. But the reality
is you only use fat uniformly, throughout the entire body. It
may seem like it’s not coming off in those problem areas, but
that’s only because you have more of it there. You need to
focus on lowering your overall body fat percentage and that
belly fat, thigh fat, butt fat, or wherever fat will come off.

Also, hours of situps or any of those ab gizmos on late night TV
will not reduce your belly fat. You could have the strongest
abs in the world, but if they’re covered by a blanket of fat,
you’ll never see them.

So to summarize:focus on eating most of your calories from foods
loaded with nutrients. Use interval cardio and/or intense full
body weight training to build muscle and burn fat, 2-3 times per
week. Or if you’d like, you can simply copy my method that I detail in my Fat Burning Furnace book.

You know that movie "Back To The Future", right? One of my
favorites. Man, sometimes I think what I would give to have that
Delorean so I could go back in time a few years and give my Fat
Burning Furnace plan to my former fat and frustrated self. The
money I’d save. The hours and hours of frustration and
embarrassment I’d save. That would be nice!

Q: Now Rob, I understand you’ve just create something special
for those out there who are ready to stick with their new year’s
resolution for fat loss?

RP: Yeah, I have...and here’s what’s happening. You know at the
beginning of each year, everybody and their brother vows to lose
weight as one of their top new year’s resolutions. But I think
the latest figure is that 97% of them do not succeed in doing
this,that’s just crazy. So I wanted to do something to help spur
people to success that thus far has really eluded them. So what
I did is put together 5 additional fat burning bonuses to really
give them no more excuses to finally achieve that lean and fit
body they really want this year...

So first on the list is my 8 secrets to a new year’s fat loss
resolution solution. The reason I put this together is that I’ve
found it’s not usually a lack of discipline that stops people
from realizing their fat loss goals in the new year, but just a
lack of knowledge of some simple but powerful techniques that
those that are nearly always successfully with their resolutions
use themselves. So I’m providing that here.

Next, I am giving away an archive of my most helpful fat loss
and fitness tips and tricks that my newsletter subscribers have
received over the past 2 years or so now this is really cool
because I often reveal a lot of tips that are not in my Fat
Burning Furnace book in the newsletter. So at over 145 pages,
there’s a lot of value there obviously.

And on top of these two, I’m giving away 3 downloadable mp3
audios of my own interviews with 3 dynamite health and fitness
experts. One is with a guy that is an expert at helping you
manage your personal energy so you can really change your
lifestyle for the better fast. Another is with a guy that
specializes in helping people develop unstoppable motivation for
fat loss and other life goals. And the last interview with a
world famous trainer who has the fastest workouts I’ve ever
seen, 4 minutes per workout, it sounds crazy, but there is
actually hard science to how these things work. And all of that
is revealed in these interviews.

Now, I can’t obviously give these 5 bonuses away for free for
too long, so what I’m doing is,I’m going to give them away,
free, to anyone who claims a copy of my Fat Burning Furnace book
at my website before midnight Wednesday, January 30th. That
means the latest you can get your copy is 11:59pm on Tuesday the
29th,so again, you get all 5 bonuses just for grabbing a copy of
my book. We just started giving these bonuses away a few days
ago and people are really digging them. I mean the emails I’m
getting from people are just awesome!

Q: Alright, well thanks again for giving up your time today’ve really shared some fat loss tips.

RP: Sure thing , it’s been great.

Q: Now, you mentioned your newsletter and all of those New
Year’s bonuses with your Fat Burning Furnace book. Where can
people go to sign up for the newsletter and get the bonuses?

RP: Oh yeah, if your readers would like to get my complimentary
eNewsletter, which comes with a free 40 page ebooklet by the
way, as well as learn more about my Fat Burning Furnace plan and
the 5 limited bonuses, they can visit my site at: